Saturday, March 27, 2010

Somewhere In Texas

We have had some interesting riding the last couple of days. By interesting, I mean, is it going to be a headwind, tailwind, or crosswind. At times, we have experienced all three at the same time. When you combine that with the type of road surface we have been riding on it has been interesting. The scenery not too much to speak of.

The places we have been staying at have been superb. The Indian Lodge at Fort Davis State Park was picture perfect, inside and out. It was built to look like a pueblo on the outside. Inside was anything but rustic. The food was good and once again the company of my fellow bicyclist was great. Last night (Friday) we stayed at the Gage Hotel in Marathon, Texas. That was a five star bunkhouse. In the bar, which they call the White Buffalo Bar, they had a huge head of a stuffed white buffalo. I must also add that the margaritas tasted very fine. Tonight we are in the Desert Oasis Hotel and it is a fine place to stay for the night just not five stars for us bicyclist. It might be five starts certain residents. The innkeepers keep a special room off the lobby for their collection of snakes venomous and not. Nice collection!!!

Tomorrow is a big one for me - 111 miles!! Stay tuned.

Somewhere in Texas, Metal Cowgirl

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