Friday, April 2, 2010


A new month, and we are half way through our tour, the good news is we are half way through Texas. We are in hill country now and it is a beautiful section of the state, unfortunately we are still riding on "chip seal." I have another name for it "chip . . . . ." Today is a rest day and I think it was needed by all. The "hill country" is a little more than hills at least for a girl from New England, and everyone has been working hard.

Today I went to the town of Fredricksburg a artsy town with a German bent. It was enjoyable and something different to do. I did have the opportunity to try the Fredricksburg Brewery. I had the porter and it was quite good with chocolate and coffee flavorings.

Tomorrow is Easter and I'm sorry to be apart from my family but I wish everyone a Happy Holiday.


  1. Just wanted to wish you a happy Easter -- we check your blog daily so keep your spirits up and keep on riding!!!

  2. Hi Roberta!
    Thinking of you daily...thank you so much for the tee shirt. Tom came into class last week and gave it to me. I can tell that he's missing you so much! The chocolate porter sounds DELICIOUS. I think you and Tom should attempt to brew that when you get home.

    Happy riding!

