Tuesday, April 13, 2010

April 12, 2010

Today is a day off and a welcome one at that. I have been putting alot of time on the saddle, three 80 mile days in a row. I am one of the fortunate ones - no saddle sores.
We are in St. Francesville, LA, a real charming Southern town. Our biking group is split up 9 of us are in town (I'm a townie), and everyone else is staying about 3 miles outside of town at a plantation. Both places are special. The B&B in town is a old mansion with a big porch on the front with rocking chairs and swings, oak trees with Spanish moss on them, and azalas in bloom everywhere. The other group have individual cabins and all kinds of amenities.
We couldn't wait to get out of Texas with the chip seal and headwinds. Well guess what? We are in Louisiana with roads in terrible shape and headwinds, but it is flat. The scenery is beautiful and the people are very friendly. We had to cross the might Missippi River by ferry to get here. Two more nights in LA and off to Missippi.
We now have three states left!!!

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