Friday, April 16, 2010

April 16 2010 Mississippi

Here we are folks getting down to the nitty gritty. Two states left and less than two weeks. Today we started out in LA and about 5 miles later we were in Mississippi. We all took the usual border crossing pictures. On one side we took welcome to Mississippi and, if any of us missed it,we crossed the road and took our picture welcome to Louisiana - convenient.
I was quite surprised to find out that Mississippi is not flat, as a matter of fact, I think we were in the hill country of Mississippi. The scenery was pretty,the roads ok, temperature hot.
I hate to say this but a highlight of my day was a ice coffee at McDonald's - oh well!!
I want to apologize for all my misspellings in the last blog.
Time for this Metal Cowgirl to sign off, the chuckwagon is calling.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

April 12, 2010

Today is a day off and a welcome one at that. I have been putting alot of time on the saddle, three 80 mile days in a row. I am one of the fortunate ones - no saddle sores.
We are in St. Francesville, LA, a real charming Southern town. Our biking group is split up 9 of us are in town (I'm a townie), and everyone else is staying about 3 miles outside of town at a plantation. Both places are special. The B&B in town is a old mansion with a big porch on the front with rocking chairs and swings, oak trees with Spanish moss on them, and azalas in bloom everywhere. The other group have individual cabins and all kinds of amenities.
We couldn't wait to get out of Texas with the chip seal and headwinds. Well guess what? We are in Louisiana with roads in terrible shape and headwinds, but it is flat. The scenery is beautiful and the people are very friendly. We had to cross the might Missippi River by ferry to get here. Two more nights in LA and off to Missippi.
We now have three states left!!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Wednesday, April 7 2010

Today is our rest day, so what do I do? First you get up early, you don't want to get out of practice or get use to sleeping in. Next, I slip out of my room so I won't wake my roommate but I grab my laundry. I get that started right of way so I can control the laundry room. I get my laundry done, then off on my bike. I had to ship items home. Last, I clean my bike. I'm glad we are riding tomorrow.

The weather has turned cloudy and humid, the hills are still rolling and still in Texas. It is a beautiful section. The wildflowers are blooming and as you go by you will see fields of them, Texas Bluebonnets, Indian Paintbrush, and others. I've finally seen long horn steers and Brahma bulls. Lambs, goats, and sheep are everywhere.

We will soon be entering our final three weeks. I think everyone is tired and many have aches and pains. The Metal Cowgirl and her steed are holding up rather well.

Next time the Pony Express will be from Louisiana.

Friday, April 2, 2010


A new month, and we are half way through our tour, the good news is we are half way through Texas. We are in hill country now and it is a beautiful section of the state, unfortunately we are still riding on "chip seal." I have another name for it "chip . . . . ." Today is a rest day and I think it was needed by all. The "hill country" is a little more than hills at least for a girl from New England, and everyone has been working hard.

Today I went to the town of Fredricksburg a artsy town with a German bent. It was enjoyable and something different to do. I did have the opportunity to try the Fredricksburg Brewery. I had the porter and it was quite good with chocolate and coffee flavorings.

Tomorrow is Easter and I'm sorry to be apart from my family but I wish everyone a Happy Holiday.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Somewhere In Texas

We have had some interesting riding the last couple of days. By interesting, I mean, is it going to be a headwind, tailwind, or crosswind. At times, we have experienced all three at the same time. When you combine that with the type of road surface we have been riding on it has been interesting. The scenery not too much to speak of.

The places we have been staying at have been superb. The Indian Lodge at Fort Davis State Park was picture perfect, inside and out. It was built to look like a pueblo on the outside. Inside was anything but rustic. The food was good and once again the company of my fellow bicyclist was great. Last night (Friday) we stayed at the Gage Hotel in Marathon, Texas. That was a five star bunkhouse. In the bar, which they call the White Buffalo Bar, they had a huge head of a stuffed white buffalo. I must also add that the margaritas tasted very fine. Tonight we are in the Desert Oasis Hotel and it is a fine place to stay for the night just not five stars for us bicyclist. It might be five starts certain residents. The innkeepers keep a special room off the lobby for their collection of snakes venomous and not. Nice collection!!!

Tomorrow is a big one for me - 111 miles!! Stay tuned.

Somewhere in Texas, Metal Cowgirl

3/27 Texas - part 1

Here are some photos from the other rider's blogs. Thanks to them!

Sunday, March 21, 2010


The Metal Cowgirl is alive and well in Las Cruces, New Mexico. The trail has been rough the last two days for the Cowgirl. On Friday, the steed threw both shoes at the same time. There I sat, on my rock, waiting for help. Two of my compadres, Katie and Patty biked 5 miles back to help and I thank them again. The word got passed along (Pony Express style) and the sag came to pick us up. Katie and Patty got dropped off to continue on the bike ride. It was a beautiful ride. We went through the Gila National Forest up to Emory Pass at 8000+ ft. It truly was a visual experience. We were in a place called Kingston. The lodge we stayed at treated us quite well. Dinner and breakfast were fantastic and I thank them for their hospitality.

Saturday the steed was doing fine. It was a hard ride at first, cold and head wind. It flattened out and off we went. I stopped in Hatch with my riding companion for the day, Leslie. We had a nice lunch at the Pepper Pot and then went shopping. We went across the street to a pepper store - whole peppers, ground peppers, and peppers on a tshirt. Hatch is the pepper capital of the world.
We also biked by miles and miles of pecan orchards. They are not in bloom yet but I can only imagine how spectacular that will be. Well, once again, the steed acted up. About, 8 miles outside of town the beast threw another shoe. She is fixed.
Stay tuned for more news and the Metal Cowgirl and the noble steed.

Monday, March 15, 2010


The last two days have been rough ones on the trail. Yesterday the biking was fine for the first 25 miles and then . . . Everyone headed uphill and then headed uphill, went through a tunnel, and rode on a rode with no shoulder with steep drop offs. This cowgirl played it cool. I rode in the chuck wagon. It was good and I got to see the scenery and the scenery was mighty fine.

Today the day started out crisp but it warms up quickly. The road was OK and then we hit the headwinds or maybe the headwinds hit me. I traveled on and came riding in with Joann. It was good to see our home for tonight.

Tomorrow could be another one to remember. A little bit of climbing, a little bit of downhill, and some straight out biking.

Guess what? New Mexico tomorrow.

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Just a little update from the Metal Cowgirl. Today was another beautiful day for riding. It would be one of the 10 best days of the year in New England. We went through some beautiful neighborhoods in Phoenix and then we hit this tremendous park with bike trails and all. Unfortunately it could not last but it was flat just some of the road was a little rough. The noble steed is behaving. Tomorrow is suppose to be another beautiful day but with some tricky riding, I will keep you posted.

Signing off, Metal Cowgirl

Video from 3/5/2010 Dog Beach

Thursday, March 11, 2010

On The Road 3/11/2010

Today was a nice day for riding. It started out chilly but warmed up. The road was good and the noble steed behaved (no thrown shoes). We put on a little over 50 miles today and another 50+ tomorrow, I think, I'm getting broken in.

The grub coming from the chuck wagon has been superb. Lasagna tonight.

I think we are all getting into a rhythm. Tomorrow will be 1 week since the dipping, 7 more to go.

3/10/2010 Update from Roberta via phone

Roberta says she is doing fine and having a great time. She reports that her steed (the bike) threw two shoes the other day (flat tires). I am posting some photos that were taken by other riders on the tour - hope they don't mind, they are so good.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Great Wheel Dip at Dog Beach 3/5/2010

3/5/10 etc.,

Well it has been quite the beginning. The first day started out hilly (that is what they call it).
The noble steed acted up and bucked me off, but I got back on and I have my war wounds.

Yesterday started out nice but turned nasty. I took a little rest and rode the last 15 miles in a car.

Today I woke up to pouring rain and fog. I'm not going, I'm riding the van.

Tomorrow is supposed to be nice and around 72, I'm back on the trail.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


This is it, the night before "the ride." I got the noble steed this morning and rode her back to the hotel, she's ready to go.

We had a meeting this afternoon and got to meet everyone. It is going to be a great trip. I went to "How to change a flat tire class," I'm hoping for a little bit of luck and will not have to use my knowledge (HA HA!!).

We have a kick-off banquet tonight and tomorrow morning I dip my rear wheel in the Pacific. I start pedaling, keep on pedaling until I dip my front tire in the Atlantic in St. Augustine (3068 miles, 58 days later).

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

San Diego 3/3/10

The noble steed has been found back in Norwich, CT, those damn bike rustlers. It is being shipped FedEx overnight. I received the phone call while I was in a bike store ordering a new bike (God's honest truth).

I want to mention Two Sister's Shipping in Jewett City, CT. They went all out for me in locating and reshipping the bike. Two thumbs up and thank you.

We went to Wild Animal Park yesterday and met a family from Griswold, it really is a small world. This was quite the place to see. I have some new pictures posted (doing the zip line).

Tomorrow starts a busy day before the tour. We will meet everyone and get ready.

Don't forget, comments are welcome.

Monday, March 1, 2010

San Diego Zoo

This is it!!

Monday 3/1/10

Guess what - a beautiful day in San Diego. Tom and I went to the San Diego Zoo and it certainly does deserve the reputation it has.

Just so you know it has not been all fun and games. At this point we think the Metal Cowgirl's noble steed (the bicycle) is lost. It could be in CT, in route, or maybe in San Diego. I will keep you posted (we are terming this a minor inconvenience).

Sunday, February 28, 2010

San Diego Rainbow 2/27/2010

From our room at the Holiday Inn Bayside.

San Diego

We arrived on Friday the 26th, on Saturday the 27th it poured. What could we do? We went on a brews tour, 3 local breweries and a lot of samples. Tom and I turned out to be the oldest on the tour (what's up with that?). I called us the chaperones.

Sunday weather is great (at least, for us New Englanders). We went to Coronado and Balboa Park. Great time, it was so nice to feel the sun on us and to see flowers. Tomorrow we are off to the San Diego Zoo. All my hopes of putting miles on my bike this week are dashed but that is OK.

San Diego

Sunday, February 21, 2010


I'm getting ready for the "bike ride." I bought new tights today that will take me all across the country. I hate to admit it but I am getting nervous.